
  • Farmed Salmon To Be Avoided

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    Open net-cage salmon farming is currently one of the most harmful aquaculture production systems and poses environmental threats in all regions it is practiced.

    Alexandra Bryant Morton is an independent biologist who settled in Kwikwasut’inuxw Haxwa’mis First Nation in British Columbia, Canada to study wild orca (killer whales) in 1984. Morton made her home in Echo Bay – a community without roads, electricity or stores. In 1987 salmon farms moved into the region. At first Morton thought they were a good idea, but within a few years the changes to the archipelago became a concern to the people in the region. Since then Alexandra Morton has published extensively on the impact of salmon farms on whales and salmon. As the industry grew into 27 Norwegian salmon farms, her community died, the school closed, whales left, toxic algae blooms began, Atlantic salmon were found in Pacific rivers, sea lice infestations of wild salmon began and Morton dedicated her life to protecting her home from salmon farms. Alexandra Morton’s story is another example of the interconnectedness of the planet, species and ecosystems.

    Farmed Salmon and Health Implications

    Wild salmon may only eat a bite or two of other fish. Mostly they feed on krill, giving them their rich red color. Krill are mostly toxin-free. Man-raised fish are fed pellets containing high concentrations of fish. It is this concentration of fish that increases PCB levels as concentrating the fish, concentrates toxins, mercury and other toxins.

    Because putting more fish into a smaller area means more money to the companies raising the fish, it also means more diseased, susceptible fish. Lice are prevalent in man-raised fish. To combat lice and other diseases, the man-raised fish are given antibiotics. The quantities of antibiotics given are in higher concentrations than any other ‘livestock’. Those antibiotics are passed on to the consumer, making us more antibiotic resistant.

    To stay healthy, eat natural and organic foods. Wild fish, grass-fed cows, dairy that has not been boiled and crops free of pesticides and modification is the way that Mother Nature intended it.

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