
  • Study: Meditation Can Have Beneficial Health Effects

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    Meditation is one of the ways that can make a person relaxed and stressed free. According to researchers and scientists practice of meditation can help boost immunity, the well being of the emotions, and increase fertility.

    With evidence growing that meditation can have beneficial health effects, scientists have sought to understand how these practices physically affect the body.
    A new study by researchers in Wisconsin, Spain, and France reports the first evidence of specific molecular changes in the body following a period of mindfulness meditation.

    The study investigated the effects of a day of intensive mindfulness practice in a group of experienced meditators, compared to a group of untrained control subjects who engaged in quiet non-meditative activities. After eight hours of mindfulness practice, the meditators showed a range of genetic and molecular differences, including altered levels of gene-regulating machinery and reduced levels of pro-inflammatory genes, which in turn correlated with faster physical recovery from a stressful situation.

    “To the best of our knowledge, this is the first paper that shows rapid alterations in gene expression within subjects associated with mindfulness meditation practice,” says study author …



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