
  • The Non-Toxic Way – Spring Cleaning

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    Clutter is stressful. When you’ve got too much disorganized stuff – either out in the open or hidden away – it weighs on your mind. And chronic stress contributes to heart disease, digestive problems and depression. But when your space is organized, you can relax!

    By Dr. Mercola

    Spring is right around the corner, and as the weather warms up, it’s the perfect time for the age old ritual of spring cleaning your home. The featured video also gives several pointers for “dusting off” your health and fitness routines, to demarcate a fresh start.

    In this article, I’ll focus on spring cleaning your home, as this is an area where many unwittingly introduce more unnecessary toxins into their lives.

    The typical American home contains about three to 10 gallons of toxic materials in the form of household cleaning products. Indeed, the very things you use to clean your house are actually among the primary sources of toxins and indoor air pollution you expose yourself to on a regular basis.

    Even “green” alternatives can contain harmful ingredients. It’s unfortunate, but the terms “green” and “natural” are really nothing more than marketing terms, and they do not automatically equate to safety.

    Moreover, many …

    Aren’t you tired of the same layout and design in certain rooms of your house? Here’s your chance to do some redecorating and redesigning. Move pictures and vases, change the angle of the couch, or repaint the walls with some new colors. Have fun while you reorganize your space and freshen it up!

    Make sure to read the rest of the article at Article.mercola.


    Staff Writer

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