
  • Colombia: HPV Vaccine Controversy

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    HPV Vaccine Quebec 20120305
    A 15 year-old survivor of HPV vaccination, living in El Carmen de Bolivar, Colombia, South America, is the recipient of the first judgment issued by any High Court in the country in a case regarding complications occurring after HPV vaccination. In this landmark decision the court ruled that the fundamental rights of this girl and her newborn daughter have to be protected by Colombian health authorities.

    The Ministry of Health and Social Protection of Colombia, the Secretary of Health of Bolivar and EPPS-S Mutual self must deploy, within the 48 hours following this decision, the necessary measures to offer to the girl and her child all specialized medical services they require in a high complexity healthcare institution regardless of any limitations established by the Public Health Plan (POS). In addition, these authorities have to specially follow up these patients’ medical conditions through an interdisciplinary team and verify complaints made by their family about medical side effects allegedly occurred after human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination.

    Carmen de Bolivar, Colombia has become ground zero in the international debate over HPV vaccine safety, efficacy, and need. After the administration of the 2nd dose of Gardasil in local schools, beginning in March 2014, hundreds of young girls were admitted to the hospital with mysterious new medical conditions.

    According to local sources, doctors who examined the girls and reported symptoms as possible adverse reactions to the HPV vaccine would often find manufacturer’s representatives in their office the next day trying to convince them otherwise.

    The National Ministry of Health (Minsalud) initially put forth several theories to explain the symptoms of over 700 girls including mass hysteria, illicit drug use, and even the excessive use of Ouija boards. They even went so far as to enlist the services of Nobel Prize nominee, Dr. Nubia Muñoz Calero, to help ease the tension. Her message was basically that it would be a mistake to halt …

    This was not the Ouija board, nor witchcraft, or pudding pot, or polluted water, everything is for the vaccine, that is proven with other girls from other parts of the world who suffered the same symptomatology.


    Monica Leon Del Rio is no stranger to the HPV vaccine controversy. She is the mother of a young woman who experienced paralysis and some medical dysfunctions after the administration of HPV vaccine in January 2013. Her family’s experience prompted this Barranquilla-born lawyer to dedicate herself to making sure other children who have been similarly affected after Gardasil injections are properly cared for.

    She is currently representing at least 50 other girls from El Carmen de Bolivar who are exhibiting new medical conditions after using HPV vaccines. Her mission is to ensure survivors of HPV vaccinations receive proper medical diagnosis and treatment.

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