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Historically, spices have shaped many events throughout the world. Many voyagers, including the legendary Christopher Columbus, explored the seas in search of treasured spices. These valued commodities contribute not only flavors but also serve as colorants and preservatives in a wide variety of cultures. Today, spices are increasingly revered not only for their culinary properties but also for their potential health benefits. Although the health attributes associated with spice use may arise from their antioxidant properties, their biological effects may arise from their ability to induce changes in a number of cellular processes, including those involved with drug metabolism, cell division, apoptosis, differentiation, and immunocompetence.
The compound, responsible for the hot, burning taste found in chillies, could also hold the key to the next generation of anti-cancer drugs, a study has revealed.
I love spicy food and try to eat it as much as I can. There’s something about the flavor and the feeling that comes with it that I can rarely get enough of.
I know spicy food can be too much for some people. But for those who can handle it (or for those who are able to work their way up), there are some pretty substantial health benefits. Spicy food is linked to weight loss and limiting inflammation, but the most interesting fact about spicy food I’ve recently come across is that a new study has shown spicy food can reduce your risk of colorectal cancer!
The active ingredient that gives chili peppers their spiciness is a compound called capsaicin. Capsaicin is what is responsible for most of the health benefits associated with spicy foods, and it is also the catalyst for this new development in the fight against cancer.
Spicy foods add an incredible amount of flavor to food. As ethnic foods become abundant, chili and spicy food is increasingly popular. The good news is that adding spice to our food has a range of benefits for our health and well-being.
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