
  • Health: Foods To Avoid And The Acid Diet

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    You've heard about the foods that can make your heartburn worse, from coffee to chocolate to tomatoes. But what about foods that could make your heartburn better? Check out some key eats you should add to your diet.

    Symptoms of acid reflux occur when acid moves backward from the stomach into the esophagus. This occurs because of a weakened or damaged lower esophageal sphincter (LES). Under normal conditions, the LES typically closes to keep food from coming back up after it enters your stomach.

    The foods you eat affect the amount of acid your stomach produces. They can also be directly irritating to the esophagus. Diet and nutrition are key considerations for those who suffer from acid reflux or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), a severe, chronic form of acid reflux.

    The body's blood pH is between 7.35 and 7.45. The body has homeostatic regulatory mechanisms to keep it within this range or otherwise death would result. Food when eaten and absorbed can influence the body's blood pH and affect health. Healthy foods are called alkaline foods because when absorbed they produce a pH towards 7.45. Conversely unhealthy foods are acid foods which produce a pH towards the lower 7.35 end.

    Illnesses include:

    Overweight, diabetes, immune deficiency, kidney & bladder problems, fatigue, premature aging, osteoporosis, aching joints, aching muscles, heart disease, high blood pressure, strokes, parasitic infection, digestive disorders, mood swings, difficulties in concentrating…

    Indeed this begs the question: what are those acid foods?

    Generally, the acids foods to be careful of are:

    Meats, fatty foods, dairy products, factory-processed foods, sweets … sugar-laden drinks such as soda pop … If foods are overheated or frozen then the vitamin and enzyme content will be spoiled, causing the …

    While keeping acids in their place is one way of avoiding heartburn, another school of thought encourages avoiding highly acidic foods, too, as a way of stopping the acid before it’s even in the stomach.

    Quick chemistry lesson: Water’s pH is 7, which is neutral. Anything lower is acidic, and anything higher is basic (or alkaline). Dropping by 1 on the pH scale means the acidity is 10 times higher, so even small decreases in pH can mean big increases in acidity.

    A normal stomach pH is between 1 and 4. It’s already acidic. “The stomach’s pH is low because it secretes gastric acid, which plays a large role in food breakdown,” explains Michelle Duong Davenport, MA, an adjunct instructor at New York University and a researcher at the NYU School of Medicine.

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