
  • The Missing Link To Better Health: Magnesium

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    Magnesium is a mineral that is present in relatively large amounts in the body. Researchers estimate that the average person’s body contains about 25 grams of magnesium, and about half of that is in the bones. Magnesium is important in more than 300 chemical reactions that keep the body working properly. People get magnesium from their diet, but sometimes magnesium supplements are needed if magnesium levels are too low. Dietary intake of magnesium may be low, particularly among women.

    A lot of focus is given to certain vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin C and calcium, but did you know that magnesium is the missing link to enjoying better health? It’s true!

    This mineral, often overlooked in nutritional recommendations, actually plays a vital role in your health and a deficiency of it in your body can cause all sorts of health problems. Perhaps one of the most serious health conditions that can be caused by a deficiency of magnesium is an increased risk of heart attack.

    The National Acad­emy of Sciences report showing that 80 percent of American men and 70 percent of American women don’t get the Recommended Daily Allow­ance (RDA) of magnesium from their diets and whatever supplements they are taking.

    Dubbed the multi-tasking mineral, magnesium is a critical but often overlooked nutrient for the prevention of asthma, diabetes, heart disease, insomnia, migraines, osteoporosis, and more.

    That’s not surprising since magnesium plays a key role in over 325 enzyme reactions in the body-from energy production to cholesterol control.

    Dr. Dean has studied and written about magnesium for about 15 years. In January, 2003, she published the first edition of The Magnesium Miracle, and she’s currently working on the third edition of this book.

    “What I want to convey today is the importance of magnesium, how you can get it, how you can know how much you require in your body, and the incredible benefits from using …

    Magnesium is required for the proper growth and maintenance of bones. Magnesium is also required for the proper function of nerves, muscles, and many other parts of the body. In the stomach, magnesium helps neutralize stomach acid and moves stools through the intestine.

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